There is a survivor in all of us; are you ready to discover it?
Learn to be a victor and survivor.
There is no need to remain a victim of sexual abuse; get therapy.
Trauma and abuse is an experience of feeling helpless and out of control, but that experience does not have to plague you forever.
You can free yourself from trauma and learn to experience your life as a survivor.
Learn to follow your own body’s wisdom to healing. Leave behind the symptoms of trauma, which include:
- Anxiety
- Panic
- Fear
- Dissociation
- Nightmares
- Depression
- Shame
- Self-blame
- Many more debilitating symptoms.

Healing can come from your own capacity to self-regulate high states of arousal and intense emotions.
When traumatized, parts of our body get locked in paralysis from mixed messages. For example, one message may be instinctual and another message, a verbal command. The body responds by locking up while trying to follow both messages at the same time.
The instinctual message may be to move your head to see who is talking to you, and the verbal message might be, “Don’t move; you may have a spinal injury.”
This paralysis stores sensory trauma in the body.
Therapy will take you back to that paralyzed moment and allow your body to move through the sensation, thus unraveling the trauma. Healing takes place at this moment when your body releases the stuck sensations safely and at the same time your thoughts become clarified.
Don’t live in distress. Call or email, and start healing.